I didn't get the chance to post this on Christmas Eve, but here's the Happy Holidays edition of the Top 20 IFB members' posts from last week, including mine on SHOWstudio's Design_download. Enjoy!

The Happy Holidays Edition
Well, I suppose I shall start this week's Links à la Mode with this:
It’s Christmas Eve and I’m sure visions of sugar plums are dancing in everyone’s heads as they trim the tree and sip mulled wine in preparation for tomorrow's frivolities. All too soon it’ll all be over and brain power sapped from too many TV Christmas Specials, you’ll be wanting some mental sustenance, and that’s where we come in.
Essentially that’s a long winded way of me saying that what follows are some lovely links to keep you busy over the Christmas period.
M.I.S.S and JeweleryWhore have D.I.Y ideas to keep your mind and body occupied, ID Style and Little Miss Make Up show you how to ramp up the glamour in your make up bag, whilst Daily Diva Dish and The Working Wardrobe will help you plan what to wear for New Years Eve and that dreaded day you return to work.
If you run out of entertainment here then you should always check out the full
Links à la Mode thread for more yummy fashion goodness.
I hope you all have a fantastic holiday and that Santa brings you everything you asked for!
Links à la Mode : December 24th
- Alice in Stilettos – Don’t Be Victimized By Fashion
- DailyDivaDish – New Year’s Eve Fashion: Make an entrance without breaking the bank. Includes 2 looks + DIY ideas.
- Fashion X K8 – Bringing attention to an essay of literary criticism that provides the proper vocabulary with which we can converse about a new fashion paradigm.
- Fasshonaburu – An interview with Liu Wen, the first Asian model to strut her stuff on the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show catwalk.
- Idiosyncratic Style – Wham GLAM Thank You Ma’am – Indulge in a little glamour for the holidays.
- Jewelry Whore – HUGE Roundup of DIY Christmas Present Ideas! It’s not too late to make some fabulous jewelry for Christmas presents!
- kaKofonie Of si(gh)lenS – You’re only a couple clicks and a few stitches away from owning your own one-of-a-kind designer piece with free patterns from SHOWstudio.
- La Société de Mode – A scream of an interview with stylist Brett Bailey.
- Little Miss Makeup – Bold lips: This season’s hottest makeup trend.
- M.I.S.S. – Another simple yet attractive necklace by Pandora from Acessory Source in this week’s She’s Crafty.
- Previously Owned – To celebrate the [almost there] opening of the ONLINE store, Previously Owned BLOG is giving away a Royal Blue hobo!
- Retro Chick – Vintage Hair Styling with Flamingo Amy
- Style on a String – Harem Pants: Yay or Nay? And some quick tips on how to buy and wear them.
- Sugar and spice and all things nice – 10 things I like…. no, LOVE… about FANTASY SHOPPING!!
- sweetarchivia – Review of the much anticipated launch of the Rodarte for Target line by the Mulleavy sisters.
- THE COVETED – Versace Pre-Fall returns to color
- The Demoiselles – Wing Tips: Your First Time…at the Tailor
- The Fashion Planner – The Fashion Planner is excited to announce the publication of The Fashion Planner’s Guide!
- The Style PA – I review the comfy, Cable Cosy by Isabella Oliver.
- The Working Wardrobe – Learning the art of layering that is both fashion-forward and office-appropriate.