Sunday, January 17, 2010

Interview with Inbar Spector

As you can see on the right, my dream job would be to design clothing for Björk. I've been a major fan of the Icelandic songstress for about 6 years, and count seeing her in concert as one of the greatest experiences of my life. Medúlla was the first new Björk album to come out after I had realized how awesome she was, and it's been my favorite album of hers ever since. The concept behind the album as well as the overall look of the Medúlla photos are just perfect. So, as soon as I saw Inbar Spector's work, I fell in love. The runway photos from her latest collection channel that Medúlla look so gorgeously. And yet I feel that these looks could be worn off of the runway, even by non-Icelandic songstresses like myself. I was amazed to find out that Inbar is far younger than her talent and renown would hint towards. And so, I was simply compelled to find out more about this spectacular London-based designer. I'm quite glad I did.


What is the very first piece you remember designing?

I remember that design was my big escape from boring lessons at school, so in the last pages of my notebooks you can find some designs. I think my parents saved one or two notebooks from my fifth grade with a few designs. When I was a kid, I used to design mainly exotic princess dresses, like something Cleopatra would wear.

What is your most treasured piece of clothing?

My wedding gown. I've designed a 19th-century inspired dress which was a bit twisted and torn as if it has been worn out and then was sewn again, but not in the right way. It got sewn with "mistakes" and holes. It's special because of its meaning. I have many pieces which I wear that are very precious to me, but the wedding dress has more to it then just a garment.

Do you wear your own designs?

Yes. I've always been very tiny with a non-conventional taste, so it forced me to create my own clothes. When I was in school I used to skip school and go shopping. Usually I'd come back empty handed because I didn't find anything that I liked in my size. All I found were juvenile clothes with cartoon images and stuff like that...

Your designs have already brought you a lot of international acclaim, including awards, many press features, and being picked by stars such as Rihanna. Are you surprised at the response to your work?

I’m surprised by the exposure I got in the UK. I came from a small country and things like dressing celebrities almost never happens there. I'm so grateful that people in the UK accepted me and like my work. I would never imagine that famous people from USA would wear my designs so soon. It’s very flattering.

Does being from Israel affect your designs at all?

I think that the immigration itself affected my work. My debut collection was all about my immigration. The backpack, which was the main motive, reflected how my bag became my home and my second skin, always on my body.

In terms of style, in Israel the weather is very hot, so most of the time you want to drop layers instead of wearing more like here, so I find working on summer collection more easy.

I also think that the connection to the army influenced me, as the army service in Israel is compulsory. I served two years in the army, but the impact of the army stays with the Israeli public all their lives because of the security situation.

What prompted you to move to London, and do you plan on remaining there?

I've always had the same style, which I think is very much inspired by the British history and also British decadence. It was one of the main reasons for me to come to the London and try to reach the British public.

The British public is very open minded to avant garde and very welcoming for young fashion designers, so I thought it would be the best place for me - and I was right. I could never ask for a better welcome. I'm grateful for the acceptance and for the opportunities that the UK has opened for me. I would love to stay in London not only because of the opportunity, I just love the people here!

What are your main sources of inspiration for creating new pieces?

My main source of inspiration is fashion. My point of view on the history of fashion from the very early days of fashion till fashion today and my interpretation of it. I create fashion that talks about fashion. Throughout the design process, I always think what would I like to wear and what’s cool for the next season and stick to my instincts.

Do you listen to music while you work, and what is your favorite?

I usually don’t listen to music when I design because it influences my work. Music is very dominant and changes your mood, and I don’t want it to distract me from my ideas. I can listen to music whenever I don’t do design work and I tend to listen to whatever people listen in the studio. They usually pick the music. When I’m at home I listen to many types of music. I love Bjork, I like early techno like new wave from the 80’s, and I like to listen to new bands like Kings of Leon and Snow Patrol and many more. Whenever I miss home, I listen to Israeli music too.

If you were not a designer, what do you see yourself doing for a career?

If I wasn’t a designer I would have liked to be a surgeon doctor or a psychiatrist, but I think the work I would enjoy the most and would love to do is working with animals.

Who would you most like to see wearing one of your designs?

Bjork! I love her and her music. She is always so inspiring and I would love to give her something back.

What is a typical outfit for you?

A typical outfit for me would be something that attracts your eyes because it looks a bit odd and quirky, but in a good way that transforms the weird into sexy. That’s how I see good avant garde.

When will your online store be open?

My online shop will hopefully open in March 2010 if everything goes according to the plan (it usually doesn’t J). The best way to know is to visit the online shop during March. People can leave their details now at my website, and they will be notified on when the shop is up and running in advance.

And lastly, what is your most favorite piece from your newest collection?

I change my favorite piece quite often according to my moods or the occasion. Sometimes I like the sophisticated look, and sometimes the avant garde look. Sometimes I like the flamboyant, and sometimes the delicate and romantic.


Sigh. Visit Inbar's website here to view some more gorgeous photos, see all the press Inbar has been featured in, and to sign up for info on the online shop. And I'll be sure to keep you all posted on anything new from this lovely lady!