So, I didn't get home today with enough time to edit and post the first kOs interview of 2010 (tomorrow!). I do have good reason though, as we finally got out to see Avatar today, which is the most beautiful looking movie I've ever seen. I really wish that it was based on a true world, because Pandora is where I'd want to live. I also wouldn't mind being a gorgeous blue Na'vi. But, if my lot is to remain here on Earth and spend a whole day doing laundry on my day off and the like, I suppose I'll be okay with being a human. As long as I get to wear pretty things, that is. Such as these lovely black architectural pieces from Danish Vilsbøl de Arce's A/W 09 collection, found via Pour Porter. I know I've seen one of their 'Woven Armour' pieces before elsewhere in the blogosphere, but, once again, the second time's the charm.