Saturday, November 14, 2009

Designer Dream Closet and Maria Severyna

I was introduced to the lovely and ever so helpful Katherine of eBay store Designer Dream Closet just over a year ago, when I found my dream coat and proceeded to drop hint after unsubtle hint to my man about what I wanted for Christmas. Katherine manages to get some of the most unique high fashion pieces, and sells them for a fraction of the retail price. One of the labels she carries is that of NY-based Maria Severyna. Since I don't really pay attention to any high end labels besides Vivienne Westwood, and sometimes Stella McCartney, I just assumed that Maria Severyna was a well-known designer/label. Then Jennine of The Coveted wrote a post a while back about this "mysterious designer" whom she couldn't find out anything about, and could only find pieces for sale on eBay. I thought that was a bit odd, but I forgot about it altogether. But then Jennine wrote another post yesterday about a Maria Severyna piece that Katherine kindly sent to her (first piece above), explaining that Maria is quite a reclusive designer, and sells her pieces only to a few boutiques and in Katherine's online shop. I'm intrigued!

I just got Katherine's eBay newsletter, so I thought I'd share some of Maria's pieces with you that are available right now. Perhaps you'll find something to nag your man about for his Christmas shopping? I know I'd love everything here, and I think my new goal is to obtain a piece from Maria. Check out Katherine's shop for more of Maria's dresses and tops, as I kind of focused on coats and sweaters here (it's cold out!).

Have I mentioned I love green?

Edit: I just realized I left out my favorite piece! So here it is. Mmm...drapey grey...

(All photos via Designer Dream Closet)