Top odd video to start the day with: Watching Gareth Pugh place piece after piece after piece of tape onto a square of plastic and fabric, which eventually became an amazing spliced square of fabric to be used in his LiveStudio created dress.

Top non-favorite sound of the day: Scraping ice from the sidewalk and car windows. It's that time of year again...

Top album of the day that got me to work on my MacBook Pro's very first outing to Starbucks: Salt & Samovar's Old Joy New Joy, courtesy of the lovely Lauren Jones. It helped me get three whole interviews written up in the time it took me to drink a Triple Venti Non-Fat Extra Hot Caramel Brulée Latte!

Top exciting library book for the next two weeks: Skin+Bones: Parellel Practices in Fashion and Architecture, recommended by Emily Howse, and courtesy of my man's hard work and library card.

Top new Vivienne Westwood piece: This dress, available here.
Top new blog project: Starting tomorrow, I will be featuring a new segment on my blog, entitled "In This Corner...". For each Corner, a guest designer will be writing the post and giving us a little inkling of what really goes on in their heads. Stay tuned!
Top interview of the day: My interview with Alexandra Groover, posted below. Read it!