I strongly dislike how both the quantity and quality of my posts here are directly correlated to what shift I work that week at my paying job. Not that I have any thought of quitting my paying job in order to devote more time to my blog. I mean, sure, it's quite gratifying to be mentioned in the same breath/page as "superblogger" or "Kingdom of Style", especially as I've only been doing this since March. And, sure, fashion bloggers have been gaining more attention and respect in being considered part of the media at recent fashion weeks. Nonetheless, I have no grand plans in mind, and would agree more with Susie Bubble's supposition that "perhaps the glass ceiling has been reached and the media attention [on fashion blogging] will dim." In reality, I would love to have this blog help take me to some sort of fashion design/stylist position of some sort, at least an internship to see if I'd be interested in entering the industry. I'm banking on my man becoming a hugely successful librarian, giving me the go-ahead to use up my day time hours basking in the glow of my laptop screen and my grande, extra hot, non-fat caramel macchiato, pounding away at some manuscript that I'm writing for only me. And in the evening hours? Creating the most beautiful clothing that will likely never be sold, since I won't be able to part with it. Perhaps in-between these hours, I can still share photos of such wondrous creations with you. If you ask nicely.