For some reason, for my first year or two on Etsy, I constantly pared down my favorites list, deleting sold items and non-updated shops. I therefore severed many connections with some lovely shops with just a heartless click of my trackpad. And so I get quite happy when I rediscover such lost shops on my daily wanderings around the site. Yesterday's fabulous rediscovery was Estonian Reet Aus. This gorgeous designer is quite well-known in some circles for her work in theatre and movies. But it's her recycled and organic designs that caught my eye. The one-off ballgown below, for instance, is made from recycled black pants, old Estonian military buttons, and men's cotton button down shirts. And those denim patchwork pieces (also below)? Reet launched a media campaign to ask her fellow Estonians to bring her their old jeans, so she could remake them into her F/W 09 'ReUse' collection. That's pretty fantastic if you ask me. The photos above are of Reet's S/S 10 collection, which is made entirely of organic materials (love the Cynthia Nixon/SATC feel!).