I am constantly changing my hair. Length, color, cut etc. Needless to say,
quite a bit of my time has also been spent growing out various hairstyles.
Throughout the years I find my focus has been the same during these in
between periods. Claire Danes in Romeo and Juliet during the costume party
where she meets Romeo, dressed as an angel. With her hair in a halo.
This Corner is brought to you by the gorgeous Lauren of mydearthing (who should dye her hair black and keep it long), just in case you were needing a semi-Valentine's Day themed post. We're both anti-VD in it's commercial form, so I think highlighting perhaps the most tragic of love stories is quite fitting. I highly suggest you check out the mydearthing Facebook page right away (ie. before tomorrow). I'd even recommend it above reading my interview with Lauren.
(P.S. In case you've forgotten about this (since I almost have), "In This Corner..." is a semi-regular segment where a guest designer will write the post or post a photo and let us know a little bit about what goes on upstairs. If you're a designer and would like to write a Corner, just email me!)