Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Top 3 Purchases of the Summer

I almost felt a tiny tinge of regret on buying my beloved complexgeometries two face dress today. The reason is that I got an email from local only-Canadian-brand-carrying Nokomis, announcing their birthday sale of 15% off absolutely everything tomorrow night AND the arrival of their complexgeometries shipment. So I went down to the shop today to see how much money I could've saved if I had waited for that email. And I can still sleep easy. The prices are actually the same or slightly lower (pre-tax anyway) than cg's online shop. However, they did not order in the two face dress or the other two cg pieces I want (the stifler sweatshirt and the lanky t). Also, it seems they only ordered smalls and mediums, and the piece I quite liked (the choke dress in tank form) looked like I needed a large. However, when I wear my two face as a halter, it looks quite similar to this piece, so all is okay! All in all, it was a good trip, especially as there was an adorable old border collie meandering through the store with a bone in his mouth.

And so, without further ado, the Top 3 Purchases of the summer. Incidentally (or not), all three of these will carry over nicely to the present fall weather, as they can all be layered to my heart's content. They also all go well with a Grande non-fat, extra hot, Pumpkin Spice Latte, the tell-tale sign that fall is concretely here.

2) ArtLab's Andromache's Deconstruction Noir dress (which looked fabulous yesterday with my Las Lopez Wood Nymph Shawl!)

3) Liza Rietz's Waffle Tucked Tunic in black and white herringbone (on sale for a couple more days in Liza's Etsy shop!)

What are your best purchases of the summer? Oh, and if you're wondering what my worst purchase of the summer is, head on over to my shop where I've posted it for sale/trade. Hopefully someone else will find it suits them better.