Sunday, September 6, 2009

Christmas Wishlist and Tuesday Interview

In case anyone is curious, for Christmas I'd like these new Adidas by Stella McCartney Mahtva boots in US size 9.5, and, of course, the Twist Hoodie in size M-L by E-Label. And no, it's not too early to think about Christmas. I personally prefer to have my shopping done by the beginning of December if at all possible. In fact, I just found the perfect gift for my sister today on Etsy. Hurray!

By the way, I may be taking a break tomorrow from the blog as it's Labour Day here. And I will indeed be labouring by doing our biweekly laundry for the entire day. But wake up bright and early on Tuesday for my exclusive interview with Patricia Ayres of ArtLab! I'm rather excited about it, not only as Patricia is one of my most favorite designers, but also because it is the first interview of a hopefully semi-frequent feature on kOs. Stay tuned! Oh, and let me know if there's a particular designer I blog about that you'd like to see interviewed!