You may remember me fawning over these Chie Mihara sandals, or the sandals worn in the Liza Rietz and Emily Ryan photos. Sadly, both of these are leather, so I've been on the hunt for a more animal-friendly option. Last night, however, I was informed by Google that I've missed the boat on an extremely affordable fabric option, made by Sugar (above). I'm quite devastated by this. I assure you this is not just out of want for another pair of shoes (I honestly rarely buy shoes), but these would be perfect to mask my recent hideous development on my ankle, and would make me feel confident wearing non-floor length skirts and pants again.
So, if anyone out there has seen these shoes in a shop somewhere or has a pair they no longer want, please please please let me know! I will pay full price plus shipping plus a finders fee if you can get me a pair of Sugar Navajo Mosaic Floral Gladiator sandals (a.k.a. the all black ones). Alternatively, I could do a trade for something in my shop. I would be a size 9.5/10 US, 39.5/40 EU, 7.5/8 UK. I only found them on one site in my size, but they ONLY ship to the UK (UK readers!!!).
Seriously, I would be forever grateful.