For some reason, the last few days of Internet surfing has been surprisingly fruitful, bringing to my attention two websites/blogs that are fantastic enough to warrant being added to my list of favorite websites in the sidebar to the right. The first is Scoute, a European based blog that not only has a great minimalist layout, but has refreshingly original content. I found Scoute whilst searching for more info on Boris Bidjan Saberi (whom I found out about via Oki-ni), and was rewarded with a link to another bookmarkable online shop (Komakino), as well as an archive full of designers and labels that I have never even heard of. It'll take me a while to go through all this great material, so you're going to see links to Scoute a lot more in the future here. You've been warned.
The second site is WORN Fashion Journal. WORN is actually a semi-annual print publication out of Toronto (that I will soon be subscribing to, via their Etsy shop), but their blog has already introduced me to some Canadian designers that I'm excited to follow up on. Thanks to Canadieren for pointing me towards this mag/blog by way of posting the above pictured editorial featuring the darling Angie of Norwegian Wood (wearing Norwegian Wood). I can't wait to get my own copy. Ah, why don't I live in Montreal? I'd love to shake Jay Baruchel's hand after watching The Trotsky...