Excuse me for talking with food in my mouth, but I'm absolutely ravenous from my never-ending day, and I felt the urgent need to inform you of a spectacular designer. That is, if you didn't read your daily helping of The door in my wardrobe yesterday (which you should have!). Perhaps it's simply because Jaana of The door is Finnish herself, and thus introduces me to many Finnish designers I have not heard of, but it seems like Finland is a magical place where amazing art (and music) is born. And now I have one more name to support this thesis: Sofia Järnefelt. The piece posted by Jaana (and pictured above) especially caught my eye. Sadly, after contacting Sofia, I discovered that this "rope thingie/upper body jewellery" is already sold out. Nonetheless, my interest is piqued, and so I will wait patiently to see what new wonders are created for Sofia's next collection, which will be out in May 2010. Sigh. And perhaps I now have another DiY project to add to the lengthening list (perhaps I could make a rope thingie with shoelaces?).
Oh, and this vest/back cage piece (which looks increasingly awesome the more and more I look at it) is still available, so email Sofia if you're interested.
Now that was some good Mongolian with Tofu Wok Box...
This is the archive of kOs, where you'll find all of the old kOs posts in their original habitat. Any new posts as of August 2013 are now at musingsofbuffyleigh.wordpress.com and on Twitter @buffyleigh. See you there!
Most of these photos are not my own. Unless specifically stated, the pictures posted are used only for my personal commentary and not for commercial reasons. I do not get compensated for blogging about these photos and the pieces contained within - I simply want to share the viewing experience with you. And my wearing experience, in the very likely event that I give in to temptation and buy them for myself.