Monday, August 10, 2009

Mutant loveliness

I've been thinking a lot lately of taking a third Bachelor's degree. If I'm not going to use the other two (well, I'm kind of using one, but it's my least favorite degree), why not get another? And seeing the work of this student on NJAL makes me think even moreso that it could be a good idea...

The student in question is Signe Rand Ebbesen. I just love the knit neck piece/crop top from her Mutant project posted on her NJAL page ('Mutant' must be a common textiles' student project - remember this?). And there much more wondrous things to be found on her website! The 'One Piece Print' is absolutely gorgeous. I am definitely ready for all things fall related.

edit: I do believe that Signe and Ditte may be in the same program, as they both attend the Danish Design School and both had 'Mutant' knit projects. Ahso!

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