Thursday, August 12, 2010

Marie Saint Pierre, F/W 10/11

Thanks to Susie Bubble, I just discovered that Montreal designer Marie Saint Pierre now has her lookbook images from the F/W 10/11 collection posted. So much better than my fuzzy screen shots of the runway show video a few months ago! This collection, showcasing Marie's expert use of jersey, taffeta, and stuffed accents (in my preferred colour palette, no less) is, dare I say, perfection. This boiled wool maxi coat in particular will likely (and rather wonderfully) haunt my dreams for quite some time now. I think it's going on My Top 3 Want List now. Yes, it definitely is.

Thank you Marie, as that was just what I needed to get my mind of a very sad and confused ex-neighbourhood kitty. Pet owners, please put your phone number on your pets' collars! My heart pretty much broke last night, and I got innumerable mosquito bites from wondering around with this kitty until 2am, hoping he would recognize where his new home is (as I have no idea where he lives now). Sigh.