This lil jacket by Damsel in this Dress is seriously adorable. Not quite adorable enough to get my mind off of my Lisbeth Salander withdrawal, or enough to get me though my 7PM-3AM shift tonight, but I spose I shouldn't expect that from a piece of clothing. Though if it were paired together with that most excellent Friday Night Lights episode that has almost redeemed the whole lame second season, this jacket could just change things...
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Wicker Man
...Well, I haven't bought anything online for 5 weeks. Which brings me to my second reason of blogger's block. My beloved go-to Buffalo jeans that had lasted me much longer than a pair of jeans is expected to have passed away. This inevitably threw a wrench into my normal style, as I had to reconfigure over half of my normal outfits. And when I can't dress how I'd like, I feel quite uninspired in general. The last time they were worn was at Iron Maiden, which I think is a good send off for any loyal pair of skinny black jeans. Sigh. But yes, about spending. I did purchase a replacement pair of jeans, this time from the Mavi label (which has been kind to me in the past). They'd be absolutely perfect if they were higher waisted, and so they may in fact lead to me a new online purchase (to make sure I feel adequately covered): this gorgeous mesh-lined Interstellar Bodysuit from Black Market Baby's new 'Solar Eye' collection. I kind of need something to wear under those sheer American Apparel loose tanks I may or may not have bought as well... And cue random Iron Maiden photo from our local paper's review...
Thirdly, for both mental and physical reasons, I've been thinking about a career change, and that has rather distracted me from life in general. Connected to this is the fact that a lovely distant friend is going through a similar thing, and I've been trying in vain to come up with a sufficient argument for her to stay doing what she's doing, but for me to stop doing what I'm doing. Oh, Life, why do you have to be so difficult (and yet not quite difficult enough to feel justified for complaining about you)?
The fourth reason is that Summer has actually found my city on time, and I wasn't quite prepared. The heat makes me rather lethargic. It also doesn't help that my shift work clashes quite loudly with the weather. And that my layering system fails me in such times. Though I have made a new friend: short dresses. I don't even know myself anymore...
Oh, and fifthly (that word doesn't sound clean enough for this blog): I just saw that on other computers, my blog looks horrible. I spend most of my blogging time getting everything properly formatted, and now I see that all my efforts are all for naught. At least if you're not on a 13" MacBook Pro using Safari. So just remember, everything you see on here actually looks better in real life. For instance, if you see two pictures in a row, followed by only one picture, all three are meant to be sharing one row, as seen in this screen shot below. A thousand apologies, and a thousand sighs.
Now, I'm off to see if my colleagues have good taste in coffee, as they claim they do. And if such is the case, I might come back in a couple of hours truly inspired...
Monday, June 28, 2010
soldes d'été
Though I can't/shouldn't take advantage of this info, I thought I'd pass it on to you. Reborn's summer sale just started today, where select items are 25% off if you buy one, 30% off if you buy two, and 40% off if you buy three sale items. There's a few items I'd love, but this complexgeometries Afghan Sweater would be my main priority. There are so many layering possibilities with this piece, and it would be perfect in any season with the loose cotton knit. And it reminds me of the robes all the Maiden guys got once they left the stage (sitting in the nosebleeds and having a bird's eye view of backstage does have its advantages...). Sigh.
Whilst browsing for the 'select items', I also came upon a designer that at first I didn't think I had ever heard of, but now something in the back of my mind is tingling a little with recognition. Irish-born and Paris-based designer (and Central Saint Martins grad) Sharon Wauchob (who is the new creative director of Edun) has some excellent draped pieces for sale at Reborn (see above), but I'm looking forward to see if they'll stock any of her gorgeous sliced jewel-tone dresses from her F/W 10/11 collection.

Oh! And remember Aussie designer Gary Bigeni? Well, you may want to take a second look at his online shop if you're interested in saving some AUD...(thanks Debbie!)
In This Corner...Sword Throat
Fashion is...
1/3 amazing, shocking, mesmerizing mirage that we can't help staring at
2/3 technical, precise, analytical data of measures, patterns, industrial processes, market and commerce
...selling neatly bottled dreams...
Today's (Cutting) Corner is brought to you by the enigma that is Dusturbance. We'll be exploring just what Dusturbance is together here on kOs, because you and I both know that they're more than just a pretty dress. But until then, have a gander over here and here.
(Photo via here)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Not to re-blog Fashion156 or anything, but why haven't I heard of Jena.Theo before? This label from UK designer Jenny Holmes and Greek designer Dimitris Theocharidis is all about "Volume, folding and repetition, using daring amounts of fabric and playing with new silhouettes and negative space, beautiful forms are created on the body often with multi-functional qualities." Umm...once again, why haven't I heard of Jena.Theo before? Above are photos from the A/W 10/11 collection (the fabrics are apparently heavier than they look to be).
I would appreciate it if someone could send me this dress for a mountain wedding I will be attending in three weeks (thanks in advance). And below are photos from the S/S 10 collection. I'm quite delighted that the back of almost each look was captured in the photo of the following piece. There's so much gorgeous detail and volume volume volume.
My, I feel so relaxed after looking at these, that I think I might just take a nap now. Dearest Blogosphere, please let me know if you know where one can purchase a Jena.Theo piece. I'm convinced I could claim it as a therapy treatment through my health insurance benefits. Just as I'm thinking of doing with my Iron Maiden ticket expense...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
If I moved to the sea, would I feel calm again?
If I wore all white, would I dance unceremoniously?
(If I told you this was killing me, would you stop?)
From Polish designer Danuta Grzadzielska's label, Makota, A/W 09/10 'Missing Ceremony' collection.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Interview with Laura Siegel
From the moment I saw one of Laura Siegel's graduate collection pieces posted on Bobbin Talk, I knew I needed to see more. And then, a couple of weeks later when Laura was nominated along with nine fellow graduating students to be the 2010 Womenswear Designer of the Year at Parsons, I was absolutely delighted to see a little bit more of her work. The glimpse, however, was just a profile shot of a rack full of clothes, and so my curiosity was not satiated in the least. Eventually my online inquiries were answered and I got in touch with Laura herself. Now, I know that I usually post something about a designer before doing an interview with them. But with a limited amount of photos and such incredible designs, I decided to hit you with a 1-2 Laura Siegel punch. A zen punch, that is. Oh, and did I mention that this gal is originally from Toronto?
How did you get into fashion design?
In high school I usually pushed academic homework into a more creative route. I wasn’t skilled in drawing at all, but loved creating things in my mind and 3-dimensionally. Designing clothes in my conscience was a constant passion, but never considered it a career option until I was applying for Universities. I ruled out fashion because one of the requirements was a portfolio, which of course I didn’t have. I decided I would start taking art classes. 4 months later I put every drawing, painting and sculpture I had done in that time into a portfolio and sent it off to Parsons.
What is the first piece you remember designing?
A fake-furred cow printed skirt---made it with a friend before either of us really knew how to sew - I was 8.
What is your most treasured piece of clothing, either bought or handmade?
I can’t pick just one! But I do have a piece of jewelry that tops them all. It is silver with tiny decorative incisions and impressions. I got that from my Grandma when I turned 20. She got it when she was 20 from her father with family engravings inside. The Spanish hand that made it is very good at their craft with an eye for beauty.
What was the inspiration for your graduate collection? Why did you choose to use natural materials and dyes?
My inspiration came about after travel around the world for a year and having that constant change of surrounding, which made me want to create a home for the body. I took that by implementing comfortable fabrics, materials and soft textures. There are a lot of knits and down pieces throughout the collection. I stuck to using natural fibers and dyes simply because our skin and bodies are natural, so it is simply second nature to want to be touching and wearing the same. With the harmful affects evolving technology seems to be posing on our lives these days, it is nice to be able to surround our bodies and wear clothes that are one with our skin.
Do you wear your own designs?
Definitely. I design for a woman very similar to myself, and because most of the collection, if not all, is one size fits all, I wear pieces all the time.
What is your favorite piece from your graduate collection?
I have a few favorites. One would be the batik-tee. This is just because the illustrations are all stories from the memories of my travels – it’s very sentimental. The leather jacket is another favorite (below right). From the shape and seaming, it turns into a bag, which was fun to figure out.
Do you listen to music while you design, and what is your favorite?
Music helps me disconnect myself from the distractions of life. Depending on my mood, I might put on some Jason Mraz, TV on the Radio, or the xx (and sometimes I might throw in a little hip-hop-Jay-Z).
Would you want to put your graduate collection into production if given the opportunity, or are you ready to move on to something else?
I would love to put anything I make into production. A lot of what I do is one-of-a-kind, so every piece will be different from the first, however with the same heart and hand involved.
I am excited and have started designing other concepts, but will be expanding this collection over the next couple of months.
What is the most important thing you've learned while studying at Parsons?
I am excited and have started designing other concepts, but will be expanding this collection over the next couple of months.
What is the most important thing you've learned while studying at Parsons?
The most important thing I have learned is to always have a strong validated opinion. Design can mean so many different things, what is special about an individual’s design is not defined by the number of people praising the work, but the designers ability to step away from what the individual has seen in the past with strong research and corroboration for what his or her unique vision is.
Something else I think is vital to the design process that I have learned at school is to be authentic and thoughtful. Despite design being a visual presentation, it is the thought process that results in amazing work. Some of my peers constantly amaze me with how creative different minds can be, and being surrounded by these talents is really inspiring. I’ll definitely miss it!
If you could design an outfit for anyone, who would it be?
I would love to dress all those who dream to live a relaxing, zen life, as though on travels, no matter where they are.
What do you have planned after graduation?
My current plans are to stay in New York. However, one of my strong interests is to work one on one with the craftsmen of communities around the world and help sustain their talents. My ideals would be to design here in New York for a company that shares similar values.
In terms of expanding the collection, I want to start something new, but don’t think I am ready to just yet. Currently, I am knitting some pieces to expand, but sometimes I surprise myself and take a different route in the process of experimentation, so who knows.
With such a solid collection under her belt and quite a good head on her shoulders, I think it goes without saying that Laura Siegel is one to watch. By the way, for all of you lucky enough to be in New York, Laura's pieces will be sold at the Debut boutique this month. Sigh.
Photos by Federico Peltretti
Photos by Federico Peltretti
Monday, June 21, 2010
Icicle Sleeves
More music for you. It's super weird to see Jonsi backed by anyone not in Sigur Rós. But his solo work is quite beautiful. And I'm a fan of the outfits in this video. His jacket is like a hobo/lumberjack version of that glorious jacket I still dream about...
In This Corner...A Song for a Whisper
Here's another Corner that doesn't really follow the Corner rules. This is a track by my friend and fellow Canadian, Tyler W. As you all unfortunately do not know him, I'm going to remedy that shortly with an interview he was kind enough to grant me. It's not the usual fashion-y fare of kOs, but I feel that music is one of the basic tenets of human life. And I don't know nearly as much as I'd like to about electronic music, so Tyler is going to help me, and subsequently you, with that. Stay tuned...Top 17 Finds of the Spring
So, I've been at this hitching post for over a year and have typed out over 600 posts already. Weird. I should probably start dating these summary posts, but for now, here's my first Top Finds of the spring season, meaning the kOs posts of the last three months that you should read if you feel like you've missed out on...something. Happy first day of the summer!
1) Designer: Amanda deLeon, Heather Martin of mono
2) Fashion grad student: Sky Lucy Young, Alexxsia Elizabeth
3) Male designer: David Chou
4) Label: Thomas
5) New collection: Mandula, 'Gallery 9', mydearthing S/S 10
6) Runway show: Central Saint Martins BA grad show
7) Basic piece: 4-way dress by Study NY
8) Future purchase: Dusturbance creation
9) Custom made piece: Attila Design Tea Part coat/dress
10) Post: Interview with Konrad Parol
11) Unexplainably popular post: This, featuring ArtLab tanks and scarves.
12) Most wordy posts, in two parts: Part 1, and Part 2
13) Most worn pieces: Attila Design Sybil dress, mydearthing Carly dress, Liza Rietz Points dress, mono jodhpurs, ArtLab Oversized Revolutionary Jacket
14) Best DVD set: Friday Night Lights Season 1
15) Three of the best nights of my life: Beauty and the Beast, Eddie Izzard, Eluveitie
16) Coolest dress ever: mono Scarf Dress
17) Most intriguing piece: Dress by Layo Gbadamosi
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