Not to re-blog Fashion156 or anything, but why haven't I heard of Jena.Theo before? This label from UK designer Jenny Holmes and Greek designer Dimitris Theocharidis is all about "Volume, folding and repetition, using daring amounts of fabric and playing with new silhouettes and negative space, beautiful forms are created on the body often with multi-functional qualities." Umm...once again, why haven't I heard of Jena.Theo before? Above are photos from the A/W 10/11 collection (the fabrics are apparently heavier than they look to be).
I would appreciate it if someone could send me this dress for a mountain wedding I will be attending in three weeks (thanks in advance). And below are photos from the S/S 10 collection. I'm quite delighted that the back of almost each look was captured in the photo of the following piece. There's so much gorgeous detail and volume volume volume.
My, I feel so relaxed after looking at these, that I think I might just take a nap now. Dearest Blogosphere, please let me know if you know where one can purchase a Jena.Theo piece. I'm convinced I could claim it as a therapy treatment through my health insurance benefits. Just as I'm thinking of doing with my Iron Maiden ticket expense...