Tuesday, March 22, 2011

SHIN, F/W 11

So, silly me, I thought that last night would be the end of my nomadic two weeks. However, we arrived home (?) to both a building and an apartment that smells like death*, which makes me wonder a) for whom the extermination chemicals are really meant, and b) why we haven't moved yet. Sigh. It was a good decision on my part any to leave my dear Viv jacket at my parents', where she has lived in safekeeping for the last two weeks. Well, it was actually a non-decision, as I simply forgot to grab her along with my nicely laundered bedding and clothing (which now all smell like death) before returning to what I thought would be a nice couple hours of unpacking before bed. 

Anyway, the one good thing that happened last night was a wee little email from my friends over at SHIN, who were kind enough to fulfill my request for their F/W 11 lookbook after seeing a preview on their website. Let me tell you, each and every one of these are pieces I'd gladly (but only momentarily) part with and send over to my parents' to keep ol' Viv company if it meant keeping them smelling fresh (i.e. not like death), thus allowing me to be both aesthetically and olfactorily pleasing to any passersby. Though I would be the most stylish nomad if I did wear them in the interim (i.e. while I'm in home limbo). And, having all the windows and doors open to air the place out does require a few warmer layers, of which I'm out of at the moment with my wardrobe sadly still in garbage bags...



Oh you delightful things, I could never put you in garbage bags...

*Please, I beg of you, do not associate SHIN with any odor less lovely than your favorite smell. Or garbage bags, for that matter. It is rather unfortunate that the F/W 11 lookbook reached me at such a time that my random musings would pair the smell of death with anything from Shinwon. Especially as I've been dreaming of owning my own SHIN piece since I first discovered the label, and even more so after seeing some SHIN leggings on my lovely NY host. So yes, think freshly cut wood, freshly cut grass, freshly baked bread, freshly opened original Skittles, freshly shone sunshine, freshly salted ocean...

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