Monday, October 3, 2011

Kristofer Kongshaug, S/S 12

Now that I've identified what I'm (tragically) allergic to and have (sadly) eliminated the offending culprit from my daily routine,* I can confidently say that my judgement is not impaired, and thus I can make the important decision of what the best collection of the S/S 12 season is. Without question, it is that of Kristofer Kongshaug. He's returned to that sharp and unexpected tailoring which first caught my eye nearly two years ago, whilst adding some additional surprising details.  The exaggerated shirt tail hems, slit cuffs on the jackets, and superimposed garter detailing give classic office wear the update it needs. And those floor length dresses are perfect for translating Sappho in. I'm not sure how wearable those dresses with leg braces would be, especially when sitting, and they definitely wouldn't work for someone who crosses their legs. But you should never ever ever cross your legs. And maybe that's exactly what Kristofer was getting at with this collection. I'd even propose that the leg brace KK dress should be a middle or high school uniform to train girls while they're young, so they don't end up having vein problems in their 20s. Just a thought.

Oh, this is my new favorite outfit. I couldn't see why I'd want to wear anything else if I had it.

(Photos via Kristofer Kongshaug Facebook)

*Soy chai lattes. If it weren't grape and rosemary focaccia season, I'm not sure what reason there would be to get up in the morning now.