Wednesday, October 5, 2011

no cloud, but the crystal body*

Yesterday was a little awkward for me in terms of blogging, as it was the day of the Alexander McQueen S/S 12 presentation. Or, more accurately, Sarah Burton's Alexander McQueen S/S 12 presentation. I mean, I wanted to blog, and I did like some of the pieces (a few were a little too boudoir-only for my tastes). However, I know that, realistically, if the label was not called 'Alexander McQueen', I wouldn't have even bothered looking at the photos, just as with the majority of the labels that show at Paris and Milan. I also couldn't help but picture Kate Middleton walking down the runway in most of the pieces, and I'm a little bit bitter about that. And so, if you're wanting to see the collection and haven't yet, head on over to the McQueen website to see the video. That's really the best way to experience the collection so that you can see the corsetry and peplum details in the back, as well as the shoes. And the end with all the models lined up in colour blocks looks pretty.

Anyway, what we're seeing here is something a bit more Lee McQueen-ish. These are the gorgeous creations of Danish designer Dennis Lyngsø (found via NJAL). I have a feeling there are a lot more photos to be found that I'd want to post from Dennis' collections, as his webpage alludes to 'and essential array of lavish dresses, tailored shirts, [and] constructed skirts.' But I must continue reading this 35-page article on Ezra Pound and H.D., or I'll feel like I'll never get this mountain of reading done.

*Ezra Pound, The Pisan Cantos