Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Because it's Fall, after all

Is anyone else feeling underwhelmed by this year's crop at NYFW? I shouldn't be surprised, seeing as I tend to favor F/W collections over S/S collections any day. And it's not like I haven't seen anything I like, seeing as there's new Hexa by Kuho and some Academy of Art grads, not to mention this delightful designer named Kimberly Ovitz that I keep meaning to post about, but I just can't seem to commit to any photos to post (browse for all the collections). Might've been Rodarte's use of a 'Starry Night' print that made me just want to forget I saw anything new at all. Sigh.

So how about we revisit some good ol' (i.e. previously posted) F/W stuff. Particularly Limi Feu F/W 2011 stuff. Brilliant warm, cozy, and layerable stuff. Tonight there's a frost warning, after all. Hopefully the crisp air will get my writing juices flowing again. I swear, I've started about five posts in the last few days and have left them just sitting as drafts. These days, I'd prefer editing posts than writing new ones. Does someone need something edited? Otherwise, I might just have to resort to creating an entire collection of (my man's) nose molds from San Pellegrino Limonata foil caps. It's kind of like Miss Feu's molded hats...

By the way, if you happen to be an owner of an ArtLab Bustle of Lysistrata, the above is a styling suggestion. One that I might have to try out...

(Photos via