Oh my, has it really been nearly a week since I posted? I'm not quite sure how I squandered away August so poorly, but I am happy that it is over. Sure, it means that our 3-week long summer is now officially over (really, that one tree in our parking lot is already at least 60% yellow), but it means I can put this year of my existence behind me and have a clean (and autumnly crisp) start. For you see, today is my birthday. I am however slightly confused as to just how old I now am, as my morning surfing session has produced a lot of crotchety grumblings from this corner of the couch. Why is everyone changing their website? First NJAL changed (and I am still not won over by the new design), followed by Fashion156 (though I did actually like that), and, on one of those hazy days at the end of August, Pitchfork. Now this morning, Style Bubble is completely redone, and Blogger is launching a new interface for the dashboard. Too many changes, man. Sure, some people think I'm stuck in the Dark Ages without a cellphone or TV channels, but I like a simpler and quieter way of living. Well, except when I'm blaring my metal music. So, is it alright if kOs stays the same for at least a little while longer? Okay.
Anyway, to celebrate staying firmly ensconced in my dark and cozy corner, pictured above is my pick for a birthday girl dress by kOs favorite, Konrad Parol. From his A/W 11/12 'Les Mercenaires' lookbook (via Facebook), this knit dress (available in The Shop) still remains one of my favorite pieces from the collection. Looks pretty darn cozy too.