Sunday, September 18, 2011

No one ever knew who Gatsby was

One glance at my cluttered desktop, and you'll see that I have a slight obsession with button-ups at the moment. I've always had a thing for just slightly oversized men's button-ups (especially short-sleeved ones), so I'm rather liking these unique pieces from UK designer Brett le Bratt (found via Etsy). How could you not go for a button-up with side pockets?!

I'm also a fan of the oversized sheer button up for the ladies. However, most of the ones available these days are cropped and boxy and, in truth, I likely wouldn't purchase one for myself to avoid the risk of being mistaken for a hipster around these parts. But I think if I could find a more normally proportioned shirt and perhaps also a long flowy skirt to put together a look like this one by Polish designer Joanna Hawrot (found via NJAL), I could still maintain my individuality.

Then there's always my old stand by of layering dresses over pants. And I'd immediately snatch up one of these S/S 12 buttoned beauties from Jena.Theo if possible (photos via UK Vogue). I would however never ever ever do my makeup like that.

P.S. If you click on the photos to see what I'm talking about with the make-up (which is not advised), you'll noticed that Blogger has gone and completely changed the double clicking on photos thing. So to see photos in their original size to actually zoom in, you have to right click and 'Open Image in New Window' (if you have a Mac). If you don't have a Mac, I don't know how you do that, but you probably do.