Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Top 18 Finds of Summer '10

I feel like I should've posted this even before my trip, as it's been fall here for a few weeks and some trees have already lost most of their leaves. Did I mention it's supposed to snow this week? Also, this is the first of my Top Finds posts that I now have to label with a year, since I've already done a top summer post here on kOs before. In case you were wondering. Ah, it's good to have my scarves back. Though they were never really gone. But before I (continue to) enjoy them, here's some warmer articles to (re-)read first.

1) Designer: Wolfgang Jarnach
2) Fashion grad student: Laura Siegel
3) Label: SHIN
4) New collection: Dori Tomcsanyi's S/S 10 collection, Marie Saint Pierre's F/W 10/11 collection
5) Fashion show: Fashion's Night Out - The Show
6) Basic piece: Button up shirt from Wolfgang Jarnach, Mad Marv jeans from Ravishing Mad
7) Future purchase: Emily Ryan dress
8) Future purchase if I win the lottery: Anything from Marc le Bihan.
9) Most musical post: Interview with Tyler W
10) Favorite new-to-me album: Swing Swing by Nicolas Repac
11) Best use of cross-stitch: This, from Susie Quillinan.
12) Most interesting way to recruit blood donors: This.
13) Most worn pieces: complexgeometries wave t, mydearthing Carly Dress
14) Most proud moment: Konrad Parol on Dazed Digital
15) Most commented on thing worn in NYC: ArtLab's Couture Pleated Harness No. 3
16) Best vacation ever (ie. Biggest understatement ever): One spectacular week in Brooklyn and Manhattan.
17) Most bizarre vacation ever: This, as depicted by some ArtLab skirts.
18) Most amazing insect-inspired dress ever: This, by Donovan Tjon.