Tuesday, February 8, 2011

You have a second chance offer

Oh darn it. It appears that the one sale I was hoping to be in New York for will be ending four days before I get there. Said sale is the annual basement clearance sale at IF in Soho (going from Feb. 7th-13th), where you can find items up to 70% off. And sure, when the regular prices are better left unmentioned (i.e. 30% is still too much for my (non-)budget), I still had hopes of finding some lonely Marc le Bihan or Junya Watanabe piece giving me puppy dog eyes that I wouldn't be able to ignore. Ah well. So then, my question for you is, how much would you pay for a mint condition Alexander McQueen wool peacoat that just happened to be your size? And yes, this means I've given up on 'shiny' winter coats. At least any non-bARBARA Í gONGINI shiny coats. Truthfully, my attraction to shininess is fickle at best, as I'm sure you could've guessed. I shall now sleep the rest of the day away, awaiting your answers and awaiting the return of my health...

(Photos via MakiMaki Vintage)

Edit on Feb. 11th: I bought it, and it's perfect. It arrived today, on the one year anniversary of Alexander McQueen's death, which makes me somehow appreciate this lovely coat (from his 2005 collection) even more. Sigh.