Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A breath in the eyes of eternity

Goodness, it's already January 4th, isn't it? I've been so caught up with work and Christmas and the in-laws visiting (not to mention practically a ton of new books, Star Trek DVDs, and experiments in the kitchen) that I've basically let a whole month slip by without some solid blogging. Harumph. I kinda sorta feel that this unplanned break has changed my focus in regards to this blog somewhat, or at least has indicated the gradual change in my usual way of blogging. For instance, I'm thinking the designer interviews will be much fewer and farther between in 2011, if extant (in their present form at least) at all. Also, 'In This Corner' from designers' perspectives is pretty much now defunct as I'm increasingly hesitant to bother people. However, I do love getting emails from kOs readers, and so the Corners may resurface in another form in the future. And, outside of the Internets, I'm planning on returning to school within a year or two to do a grad degree, and so I'm needing to use more of my non-work time to get back into my studies. Then there is my newly found love of cooking delicious vegetarian things... So, what does this mean for kOs? Though it's anyone's guess at this point, I'm thinking even more eclectic posts is a safe bet, as I'll have all types of things bouncing around in my head now. What I can say for sure is that I've very much appreciated you following me thus far, so how about we see where this goes together...

P.S. Congratulations to my favorite designer on your good news!

P.S.S. Congratulations to Neil Gaiman on your happy marriage!

P.S.S.S. Happy New Year everyone!!!

(Photos of some wonderfully textured looks from Sharon Wauchob's S/S 11 collection, via the lovely Kimberley and Style.com, and which I wouldn't mind wearing to see Swan Lake in February. Those black lace suspenders are making me re-look at those by Swan Clothing (coincidence? I think not...).)

Edit: This gorgeous new silk and tulle bib/harness piece by Attila Design would be perfect over top of either of the above looks, don't you think?