Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sphere lamps and inside/out pants and tie vests, oh my.

If I could figure out a way to wear this piece by De Beaux Souvenirs, I would. I just love twinkle lights. Any ideas, anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

And these are perhaps the most intriguing leg wear I have seen recently. Celapiu's description is perfect: "This amazing conceptual piece is based on an idea of using shapes that clothes take while being put on/taken off as designs themselves." Makes me think what other clothing would look like on in mid-dressing-frame...For some reason though, all my tired mind can think of is knee high socks around my ankles and my bra around my waist and backwards...Sigh. Perhaps I should leave this one to celapiu.

Lastly, I just love this piece by Lilian Asterfield. I think it's almost too adorable for words. I would wear this basically every day I was too lazy to wear anything other than a plain ribbed racer-back tank and my wonderful new Joe's Jeans. Which has been everyday this week...I definitely have a bolero/vest/harness thing (and of course a ruffle thing) going on lately.