Friday, March 8, 2013

The Milky Way tastes like raspberries*

Though today is a regular ol' yep-it's-still-winter day, spring has been trying to rear its lovely green head around here for the last couple of weeks. Which has led me to sporadic digging sessions through my pile o' coats, hoping that somehow in the last year, a good spring coat has suddenly appeared. Why don't I have a good everyday transition coat? It really makes no sense...

At any rate, I think this Barbara Í Gongini piece (from the F/W 13 Black line) would be perfect. It looks like I could even fit my laptop in that pocket, meaning I could make a quick getaway to go watch the snow melt in the woods whilst getting some work done. A very important feature in a spring coat, don't you think? The only thing is: would it be as inspiring as the Decon jacket? I'm not sure I'd be able to theorize about that which both is and isn't if I'm wrapped in the fabric equivalent of a hug and surrounded by happy birds and other river valley creatures. Hmm...

*This is a fact! Courtesy of Professor Larry Fleinhardt.