Monday, December 6, 2010

Vibe Johansson (et al.?), S/S 11

I snapped this photo of a rack of clothing at International Playground in NY, as I just loved the colour palette of the neutrals and purples juxtaposed with the oranges (or mustards?). Now, if my memory serves me correctly, Virginia said that these were Danish designer Vibe Johansson's S/S 11 collection. I didn't look at the pieces too closely as Virginia had them hung up in the back to decide what to order for the store in the spring (i.e. they weren't for me to buy quite yet), so I could be wrong. At any rate, there are a few photos up on NJAL of Vibe's S/S 11 collection, and I'm quite a fan of the colour palette whether it's the same as seen above or not. 

I also dearly heart that last outfit.  Methinks I shall have to revisit International Playground in February.