I received an email (which I nearly tossed into the Trash without a glance!) from a new kid on the online block with a most interesting idea. The shop, called
re. porter (pronounced and defined as the French verb), is the project of Vancouver-based Graham Newmarch, and purports to be "the first truly boutique-style online consignment experience." And it does so not only with a gorgeously minimalistic website, but also through three interconnected functions. Firstly, re. porter provides an outlet for 'first-sale' boutiques to sell their un-sold inventory by providing pieces to the discerning customers at a reasonable price without completely eliminating profits (yes, we all love a good sale, but when it's an artisanal label in question, large discounts don't really help said label survive). Secondly, re. porter allows individuals with exceptional, and sometimes changing, taste to give their no-longer/un-worn clothes a new home. Also, with respect to this latter function, clients who put their items up for consignment on re. porter earn credit from sold items towards their own purchases from the shop. Thirdly, and as to be expected, people like you and me can buy fabulous clothes from the comfort of our own homes.

Armed with the knowledge that Graham used to work at
Layers (which you may have seen
here), you'll say a mental "Of course!" after taking a look at the current selection (chosen by Graham himself). The shop is (at least at the present) geared towards offering pieces from avant-garde menswear
labels like Damir Doma, Label Under Construction, and Yohji Yamamoto, all found in gently used or new condition. For us ladies, we'll just have to do with being creative (and being able to translate menswear sizes) until Graham finds a woman with his taste and selection know-how. I don't know about you, but I'm up for the challenge!
Just as a heads up, you likely won't find your favorite piece for $100 on re. porter. These prices do reflect the artisanal quality and worth of the labels Graham stocks. However, chances are you
will find your favorite piece (seeing as those pictured here, which are/were available at the time of writing, would each likely become my favorite pieces under my ownership...). Go. Now. And if you have an InAisce piece you no longer want, please contact Graham (and/or me).

Edit: In case you're re-reading this, you are correct, I have edited it. It was easier to just change a few in-text things after speaking with Graham, so the 'Edit' in question is not technically included here. My apologies, though having to re-read (and me having to re-post) is kind of in the spirit of re. porter, no?