Natsumi Zama's '2 to 3' collection (found via Fashion156) immediately brings to mind a video I watched over and over in my parents' kitchen of Julian Roberts performing his subtraction cutting to a live audience: from a two dimensional rectangle of fabric, comes a three dimensional draped creation. Natsumi's collection, however, brings with it a reverence for that two dimensional rectangle of fabric. At first glance, Natsumi seems to put the finished piece on display by mounting it directly onto the flat piece of material. However, when that flat piece is allowed to hang and drape rather comfortingly around the finished piece, it becomes obvious that it is the flat piece that is on display; the frame is the centre of attention, not the picture. Furthermore, not wanting to cut away at the edges, as with normal pattern cutting, or cut away at the centre, as with Julian's method, the two dimensional rectangle of fabric is left relatively untouched, and yet is given the chance to experience a new dimension. Sounds rather romantic, no?
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Sunday Morning Coming Down
I'm writing this as I await for my man to wake up from his slumber (the initiation of which was definitely not aided by a too-late Tim Hortons medium* double-double coffee), as I simply have to watch the last episode of the first season of Camelot before I can do anything else. Anyway, I can at least manage to pass on these photos on to you, teasers of the upcoming Barbara Í Gongini season which were in my inbox this morning. The first photo, as you can probably tell, is from the high-end line, while the second photo is from the Black-line, which, this time around, features even more basic basics such as jeans and, apparently, some chalk. I somehow don't find jeans with a plain tee very inspiring, but I have faith in Barbara, and will use this teaser to remain excited to see the whole collection, rather than being satisfied with these few photos. Also, I'm not sure what's going on with the blue outfit below, but I just wanted to give you a heads up that there will be blue. Blue!

*Tim Hortons has changed their coffee sizes, and so the beloved large double-double is now a medium double-double. Just doesn't have the same ring to it. Why, Tim, why?
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Imperfect Beauty
Remember Hartmann Nordenholz's 'oops-I-tucked-my-dress-into-my-underwear' collection? Well, this collection by Parsons and London College grad Melanie Anayiotos is that collection's first cousin. Or at least second cousin. And it should be pointed out that Melanie's collection is to be commended for its braveness, for Melanie's goes against decades of technological advances in cling-guard products and wrinkle-free fabrics. For all I know, Melanie has even used such a fabric to create her beautiful static-y creations. Miss Morissette, that is ironic. And, my friends, this is a beautiful dress.
(Photos via NJAL)
Monday, January 23, 2012
Urban Summer
I'm sure this photo from the Summer 2012 collection of Brazilian designer Juliana Moriya was taken far far away from NY, but seeing it immediately transported me back to Brooklyn in the hot hot summer, specifically taking the 7 as far east as I dared without food and a large coffee in my hand. Though, in reality, that trip might've take place in the winter. Hmm.
(Photo via NJAL)
Sunday, January 22, 2012
InAisce, F/W 12/13
I had nearly forgotten the thrill of a new fashion week season, and of seeing a new collection so wonderful that I couldn't post it nearly fast enough. But my memory has now been gloriously jogged by InAisce's F/W 12/13 'Pilgrim' collection. Each photo of the lookbook is actually composed of two outfits, the left on a guy and the right on a girl. Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but the majority of the outfits on the male model incorporate leather or fur, and thus my cropping job predominately features her and not him (sorry, guy). That being said, I think this is my favorite InAisce collection by far, at least in how it's styled. And, while the gorgeous silhouettes and overall detailing are as to be expected, I quite appreciate the attention Jona has paid to the side and back profiles this time around (warning: gorgeous back draping below). The question is, why am I not in Paris to see this presentation tomorrow? Sigh.
(Photos via InAisce's Facebook)
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Frequently re-orient the disoriented.
1) I noticed the first time I saw kOs on an iPad that this blog is not optimized for mobile devices. And as, according to Google Analytics, the large number of you access this blog via mobile devices, that needs to be remedied. I looked up various tips on how to prepare a site for an iPad specifically, but without one to play around on, I can't really put those to use just yet. However, I found out that Blogger has an option to have a mobile version of each post, and likely some of you have noticed that I turned this on a couple days ago. Even though this option negates all the photo sizing and specific formatting I do, and just plain doesn't look as pretty as I'd like, it at least lets you see entire photos (albeit very small versions), and makes the text easier to read (if you're into reading words) without doing the two-fingered zooming thing. Please let me know what you think. And, though mobile users likely know this already, please take note that, at the bottom of each mobile version post, you can switch back to the desktop version. At least I can on my man's iPhone.
2) This week has been entirely bizarre. First of all, it was -40 at some point every day, meaning it was 40-50 degrees colder than last week. Starting today, however, it's going back up to nearly spring-like conditions. I'm telling you, the bunnies are thoroughly confused. Secondly, in a previous life, I would've called in sick to avoid walking through such cold to my place of employment; in this life, I simply put my layering skills to use. Thirdly, my man had a surgery consult on Monday, and knee surgery yesterday. Most people have to wait a year or more to have surgery, not to mention having to pay for said surgery. There are problems with the Canadian health system, but this week my house is not aware of them.
3) This collection by Central Saint Martins grad Minky Ha is based on capitalism. That's quite a loaded statement, if you think about it. Read more about it here.
(Photos via, post title via Grey Nuns Community Hospital's tips to prevent falls, as posted in Unit 44)
Friday, January 13, 2012
I find these pieces by Polish designer Kamila Gawrońska Kasperska (great name, by the way) fantastic for the following three reasons. First of all, I can't help but love that bell-/funnel-shaped neck after Björk's McQueen jingle bell dress. Second, the intersection I have to cross to get from my bus stop to my work's front door has wind that rivals downtown Manhattan. So, I've been thinking I need a stylish way to keep my hair from turning into some sort of cyclone. An attached speed skater hood is the perfect solution. Thirdly, I've been reminded yet again that I must see Fritz Lang's Metropolis (which inspired this collection). I keep meaning to and can easily do so, as it's on Netflix (or at least was over Christmas). Perhaps after I take a little nap...At any rate, I'd totally wear the dress below on the right for any occasion, and would wear the onesie below on the left for the odd occasion when the urge to feel like Cogsworth as a matador arises.
(Photos via NJAL)
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Somehow I never connected the fabulous InAisce to the (makes-me-feel-a-little-uncomfortable) Sruli Recht. It makes perfect sense now, but that connection was not established in my grey matter until I received an invite to the Sruli Recht A/W 12 presentation in Paris, and noticed tiny print at the bottom that InAisce will also be presented at the same art gallery, at the same time. The world makes sense again. Except for the fact that I'll likely miss every InAisce show that I'm invited to. Sigh.
Anyway, this is a teaser photo of InAisce's A/W 12 collection, as posted on Facebook this morning. Looks like Jona is pressing on into the land of accessories, whilst attempting to make his models walk across the ocean. Perhaps that backpack is also a floating device...
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Common Delusions
The weird thing about the last week is that I've really wanted to blog. But I just can't seem to find things I want to post. I'm afraid it has something to do with the fact that I just don't get Mad Men and why everyone seems to think it's such a great show. It might just be a coincidence, but it seems like there's some sort of disconnect between me and fashion lately. That, and corporate fashion is dragging me down.
Anyway, as I've been picturing myself back in the classroom lately, I'm reminded of a common daydream/urge I often had back when I was sitting in a tiny room filled with desks and noisy air ducts. Sometimes, it was all I could do to not get out of my desk, curl up on the floor, and take a nap. Indeed, if I were to wear such a dress as this piece by Von Bardonitz to my next Latin class, I can't see how I couldn't be excused for such behaviour.
(Photo via NJAL)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Witold Szostak
Today I was finally tracked down by the weird stomach thing that's been going around this holiday season. They say it's the Norwalk, but I had that way back when 'Norwalk' meant something (i.e. it meant you almost died, or at least wanted to die), and so far this strain just seems to be a waste of my time and the warmest January day in my city's history. At any rate, being home sick makes me appreciate the comforts of my cozy apartment, such as my lovely bed being directly in a sunbeam for most of the day's sunlit hours. One thing I will always long for as long as we live here, however, is a big ol' bathtub that I can actually fit in and relax when I'm feeling crappy. Like this one by today's Featured Seller on Etsy, Witold Szostak. This guy creates some fantastic stuff, and I definitely think the $7K price tag on his mini-ark bathtub is completely justifiable. Unfortunately, seeing as a free-standing bathtub would take up all the available space in the living room (and/or the whole apartment, as we'd get kicked out for not being able to make rent...), getting the fan too would be out of the question. Sigh.
I'd also like that clothes hanger behind him in the picture below, but that doesn't seem to be for sale in his Etsy shop, at least yet. My very first SHIN piece would look fantastic on that thing...
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Happy New Plaid
So, I realized that my life has quickly become rather good, as my main source of stress this holiday season was how to spend my Christmas money. Normally I have no problem spending money on clothes, but, as I had decided I wanted to replace my shapeless winter coat with something that fit my aesthetic better (or, at least just a little), I felt the need to choose well. After numerous painstaking hours spent away from what is shaping up to be the geekiest book I've read this side of Tolkien (REAMDE by Neal Stephenson), I narrowed down my choices to three coats. One was an eBay listing, which I never ascertained to be true Alexander McQueen, Burton McQueen, or McQ. With such a gamble, and the possibility of steep duties, this one was out of the running first. Which left me with more of a moral dilemma. Because one of the two coats vying for first place was from Canadian designer Natasha Thomas and her Montreal-based label, by THOMAS. You may have seen her gorgeous grey double-lapeled coat grace the front of NJAL and some other blogs, as it (and the collection as a whole) demands maximum attention. In fact, I've been meaning to post that grey coat for ages - it simply got buried in my mountain of bookmarks. At any rate, the coat that I was drawn to was a more subdued (and slightly cheaper) black wool trench/pea coat hybrid (see left). I could easily see myself wearing this piece for all three colder seasons. And, of course, it's right up my alley with it's designed-in-Canada-ness, made-in-Canada-ness, and shipped-from-Canada-ness.
However, and I'm almost embarrassed to say, in the end I was lured away by cheap Vivienne Westwood in a quiet tartan (see right). I've always had this fascination for plaid, but have learnt that I'm too shy to wear it in it's natural bright red form. However, in browns and purples (as the net-a-porter description claims it is), and in Westwood fashion, I'm sold.
Of course, mere hours after I handed over my Christmas money to purchase an extremely non-practical (i.e. only appropriate for Spring weather) coat, not only was the Westwood coat reduced by an additional 20% (meaning it's $80 less than I paid, and almost $500 less than the original price), but I also received a lovely email from Natasha Thomas informing me that I could purchase the by THOMAS coat at 30% off in the online shop with the sale code WINTERSALES. Sigh. Someone, please purchase the by THOMAS coat in my stead. And apologize to Natasha for me. I cannot resist affordable Westwood, especially when it allows me to end my misery and return to the world...of Warcraft.
Of course, mere hours after I handed over my Christmas money to purchase an extremely non-practical (i.e. only appropriate for Spring weather) coat, not only was the Westwood coat reduced by an additional 20% (meaning it's $80 less than I paid, and almost $500 less than the original price), but I also received a lovely email from Natasha Thomas informing me that I could purchase the by THOMAS coat at 30% off in the online shop with the sale code WINTERSALES. Sigh. Someone, please purchase the by THOMAS coat in my stead. And apologize to Natasha for me. I cannot resist affordable Westwood, especially when it allows me to end my misery and return to the world...of Warcraft.
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