Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mountain Wedding Survival 101

To finish off this much needed week off, I will be attending an outdoor wedding this weekend in the mountains. It just snowed there the other day, so I need to be prepared to both feel my best (especially temperature wise), and look my best. Or at least as good as my man, who will be in a rather dashing tux. So first, I'm going to start with the perfect sexy dress that is just the right length for a short dress - this of course is the utterly gorgeous mydearthing Husband Dress in ink.

Then, remember the Mandula cotton bias cut tunic that was in the sidebar on the right in My Top 3 Want List? Well, it's been taken down because I managed to get my hands on a sleeveless version, in this rich burgundy/wine colour (above right). It's quite a departure from my normal palette, but it looks smashing overtop of the Husband Dress.

However, with the Husband Dress layered underneath the Mandula tunic, the slightly cowled neck gets squished down into a deep V neck. It looks quite lovely really through the cotton gauze, but in order not to draw people's wandering eyes directly to my chest, I'm going to add my ArtLab Couture Noir Bib overtop to cover up the contrast, add some more texture, and provide some comforting blackness.

Next, I'm going to have two options for warmth up top, as my arms are still bare at this point. If it's rather sunny and warm, I'm going to go with the mydearthing Way Shrug. My forearms are still bare with this piece, but the alpaca wool is really quite warm, that it might just do the trick for a normal summer day in the mountains.

If the weather is against us though, I'll be going with my David Chou draped jacket. I always like seeing women borrow their men's suit jackets at weddings to keep warm at a cold reception hall for some reason, so this will give me that feel (though more fitted), without stripping one of the groomsmen of his required uniform. (I'd love to link you to this order this jacket for yourself, but David is moving to Japan quite soon, and will be closing down his shop during the move. He does have a few ready to ship items still available though!)

And on the bottom? Well, some complexgeometries leggings of course! Depending on the temperature, I'll either go with the lighter megahose (still available for you smaller folk at Reborn), or the warmer long leggings. The question is whether I can fit all the other clothes needed for the weekend into my backpack...