Tuesday, June 18, 2013

InAisce, S/S 14: A Study in Grey

The new InAisce lookbook reached my inbox yesterday, but a sick husband and a book I promised to read kept me from doing anything apart from drooling over the PDFs myself. I see this morning that this.hearts.on.fire has already posted the S/S 14 collection in its entirety, so go there to see all the usual suspects of an InAisce collection. What I want to focus on is the collection's use of a particular fabric, this grey weave. Without zooming in, my first thoughts were that it was a waffle-knit with a bit of a sheen to it so that it looked like a very wearable chain-mail. But you don't think 'thermal underwear' when you think of InAisce, do you? It just seems like too blasé of a fabric choice for Jona to have made. My next thought is that it is more like the lovely swatch of thick woven silk that I saw at the Zam Barrett studio. Or perhaps a woven silk/linen blend, maybe with a bit of a metallic thread in it. That would make a lot more sense with the InAisce aesthetic and frequent use of textured linens and such. Does anyone know what the fabric is? Please share if so. I can send you the PDF if you can't zoom in enough on here, just let me know. Also, if you have any opinions on doing a PhD in Comparative Literature, please send them my way. In the meantime, here's one more grey look (in a different fabric) for the road.

(Photography by Xi Sinsong)