Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Because I took your pulse.

If you've missed the couple of references and mentions I've already made here and there, let me clearly state for the record that the best show ever to grace our television sets is BBC's Sherlock. Though the writing and directing, I'm sure, has much to do with it, the first thing you notice is that the casting choices are absolutely perfect, with Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman (a.k.a. Bilbo Baggins) as Dr. John Watson. And though each 1 1/2 hour episode is brilliant, the best (i.e. the best 90 minutes of television you'll ever watch) and my favorite is the first of Season 2, featuring Lara Pulver as...well, you'll have to watch it. Anyway, in one scene, Lara's character is wearing only Sherlock's wool coat. Hence the connection my brain made to this editorial photo of a coat I've already posted about from Kristofer Kongshaug's A/W 13/14 collection. The connection is, of course, also encouraged by the fact that the model looks quite like Lara (well, particularly how she looks in a later scene in the episode), at least from this angle. The question is, which girl is luckier: the one that gets to wear something from one of the most talented designers around, or the one that gets to wear something that Sherlock touched. That, my friends, is a tough one...

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go mourn the death of some trees and decide whether I should read Neil Gaiman's newest masterpiece a second time in less than 24 hours.