Thursday, July 26, 2012

We all have dreams. I know I do.


Sitting here at my desk, waiting for the phone to ring or my inbox to ding, I just looked at my profile (which you see in the top right corner under the kOs banner) and realized that I'm now living 2 out of the 3 dreams I had listed: I am now an editor, and I am now a student once again. Eek! Makes me wonder if that third dream will come true as well somewhere down the line. Or what would've happened if I had listed something along the lines of wanting to become rich and famous. Hmm...Really, the next thing I'm wishing for is to become comfortable with public speaking. I'm currently mulling over what to write an abstract on to submit for and potentially present at a Classics conference next March. Seeing as I'm doing a thesis-based Masters and will thus need to defend my thesis in less than two years, I'm sure all involved would agree that I should be able to speak above a mumble, remain at my regular colour, and remember that tricky thing called breathing. Though I think the question is, what does one wear to their thesis defense? If I can at least feel confident before I open my mouth, I think that's half the battle won right there. So, I have roughly 20 months to figure this out, but I'm currently leaning towards a clean minimalist bookish look like this A-line dress by Russian-born and Israel-based Maria Berman (found via NJAL). Other suggestions welcome!

(Photo via NJAL)