Friday, December 7, 2012

Anuschka Hoevener, F/W 12/13

I rejoiced too soon about finishing my Horace translations. Because I still have to write an exam on said translations. Thankfully, half of the course was on Catullus, so there will still be a bit o' him on the exam. So, to stay sane for the next week of studying (the final is next Thursday), I've split up my days into mornings/afternoons with Horace, and evenings with Catullus. Obviously, I enjoy my evenings quite a bit. There's something to be said for simplicity, even when that simplicity means being unexpectedly blunt. In other words, my taste in Latin poetry is the same as my taste in clothing. And so, let us return to Anuschka Hoevener, who I haven't featured lately here on kOs (lately meaning over two years apologies, Anuschka). The simple embroidery and knit work mixed with geometric shapes is just perfect. Better yet, that little black dress is made of sweatshirt material. If only I could wear it when I recite 60 lines of Catullus (yes, in Latin) next week.

(Photos via NJAL)